Agent John Douglas, was an FBI profiler, his career as a profiler provided inspiration for television shows like Criminal Minds. John was with the FBI’s Elite Serial Crime Unit. In his book, he wrote, “Serial killers are, by definition, ‘successful’ killers, who learn from their experience. Perpetrators of all different kinds of violence often have a history of intimate partner abuse. Several known serial killers and the majority of mass murderers have a history of domestic violence.
Yes, there are often unique game plans that batterers use to keep their victims in line. However, in Springfield, our police and prosecutors have failed to make obvious connections.
- Springfield has serial domestic violence offenders and they are one step away from becoming Serial Rapists and Serial Killers.
- Listen Commissioners of Springfield - you need to understand this connection now, you need to recognize what is going on and put an end to this now.
- Springfield leads all Cities in the State of Ohio in the number of Yearly Reported Rapes per capita. Remember this, only about 60% of all Rape is reported.
- Clark County leads the State of Ohio in Request for Domestic Violence Protective orders per capita - Yes we are #1 out of all 88 Counties.
Domestic violence is pervasive and insidious.
The majority of domestic violence cases involve isolated incidents, However, a subset of perpetrators engage in a persistent and escalating pattern of abuse. Out of all Domestic Violence cases presented in court in 2022: SDVC has identified about 200 people through criminal arrest records, probable cause reports and court case documents that fit this profile. Serial domestic violence offenders.
Ten (10) men are roaming free in Springfield and have a lifetime of over 25 Domestic Violence arrests and other criminal charges.
There are over 100 Springfield men with 15 domestic violence arrests and other assault, robbery, and gun charges.
There are over 75 Springfield men with at least 10 Domestic Violence arrests and other criminal charges.
All these Men exhibit the same common personality traits as serial killers, serial rapists, and serial pedophiles and the same essential criteria and classifications exhibited by serial killers, serial rapists, and serial pedophiles.

Protective Orders
