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Donahue and Koehler Speak at Commission Meeting

Beth Donahue

A tale of 2 Republicans going in different directions

January 28, 2025 City Commissioners Meeting

Beth Donahue for City Commissioner - REPUBLICAN!

The Springfield Police Department produces annual Crime Reports, yet the last time the City made these reports public was in 1980. Disclosure of crime statistics is based on Ohio public record law (ORC 149.43), this gives all citizens the right to access government records and meetings AND for the police division, this includes all crime data reports.

I want to see the Annual Police Department's Crime Statistics and arrest report made publicly available now!

The City of Springfield established the Community Police Advisory Team (CAPT) Our Police Chief meets regularly with this group and yet Citizens have never seen ANY of the organizations reports, meeting agendas or recommendations.

I want to see the records of all meetings and information from these CAPT meetings made public now!

On July 2nd, 2024, Mayor YOU stated at the commission meeting The City formed a group of select city officials to look into how to handle the increase of TPS migrants. Again, any time publicly elected officials meet to discuss plans for the city which concerns it's citizens - it needs to be on public record, notes and conversations.

- I want to see these made publicly available NOW.

Mayor you stated to WHIO-TV February 2024, The city is paying attention to gun violence. The city cares about this. Then Jason Via States: We have been working for months behind the scenes with community partners on this particular problem.

I'm fed up with NGOs doing work on this issue, it’s time to stop pawing off your responsibility for dealing with these issues. There are 9 - NGO's are working on this issue - What the heck are you doing?

I want to see every single note, memo, plan, and advice made by these groups made public now!

AND since you failed to want to be accountable for the safety of the citizens of Springfield and place it in the hands of the OIC Community violence intervention coordinator ..another NGO,

I want to see I want to see every single note, memo, plan, and advisement made by the OIC Community violence intervention coordinator

NOTE: the day after this 3-min speach: "Two teens are in jail and facing charges after bringing guns to a Springfield school (OIC)". Wednesday January 29, 2025

According to Springfield police, at around 9 a.m. on Wednesday, officers were called to the Opportunities for Individual Change (OIC) school at 10 S. Yellow Springs Street after a school resource officer found a firearm in a backpack.

  • So much for giving 3-million dollars to OIC to bring down youth gun violence.

I'm fed up with you Democrats, Mayor Rue, City Manager Heck, City Commissioners Houston and Brown.

I want transparency and I want results

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